The Agreement
1 декабря, 2020
place 01

The document “User Agreement” is an offer of the “Olympia” company (REG. 2370005448), to conclude an agreement on the conditions described below.


  1. General provisions of the User Agreement.

1.1. In this document, as well as in related relationships, the following terms are used:

1.1.1. Platform (Ecosystem) is a complex of software and hardware systems located on the Internet, which makes it possible to:

– accounting of the user’s sports achievements;

– creation, automation and conduct of online and offline competitions, festivals and contests by the user.

– flexible adjustment of disciplines, types and forms of tournaments, festivals and competitions;

– automated processing of personal information of users in order to participate in online and offline tournaments, festivals and contests created by the Administration or platform users.

– participation in online tournaments, online festivals and online contests;

1.1.2. User – an individual who has joined this Agreement with personal interest;

1.1.3. Service – a set of services and a license that is provided to the User with using the Platform;

1.1.4. Agreement – this document with all additions and changes.

1.2. Your use of the service creates an agreement on the terms of this agreement in accordance with the provisions of Articles 437 and 438 (RF Code).


1.3. By using the features described above, you acknowledge that:

1.3.1. You have read the terms of this Agreement in full before starting use of the Service;

1.3.2. You accept all terms of this Agreement in full and agree to comply with them or stop using the Service. If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement or are not entitled to enter into a contract, you should urgently terminate any use of the Service;

1.3.3. This Agreement can be changed by the Administration without special notice. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Administration’s Website or after it is provided in another convenient form, unless other conditions are provided for by the new reaction of the Agreement.


  1. General conditions for using the service.

2.1. The use of the functionality of the Service is allowed only after

registration, activation and authorization approved by the Administration;

2.2. The User’s personal information that was provided to the Administration is the necessary information to access the Service. The user has no right to transfer his personal information to third parties and bears full responsibility for their safety.


  1. License to use the Ecosystem and the level of availability of the Service.

3.1. The administration provides registered or authorized

The User the right to use the Platform free of charge under the conditions of a simple non-transferable license with limited functionality;

3.2. The Administration has the right to set limits for information materials or functional content of the User, as well as introduce other technical restrictions on the Platform;

3.3. Using the Platform in other ways is strictly prohibited.


  1. User guarantees. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you confirm and warrant that:

4.1. You have all the right and authority to conclude an Agreement on the use of the Service and to execute this agreement;

4.2. You will only use the service under the permitted terms;

4.3. You will not take any actions that interfere with the use of the Service or the operation of equipment, networks, or software;

4.4. You use the service without violating the rights of third parties, including:

– copyright and related rights;

– rights to trademarks;

– rights to industrial designs;

– the rights to use images of people.


The materials you provide and the content you create does not contain information that promotes violence, pornography, drugs, racial or national hostility, insulting the honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens.


  1. Ethics. The administration has a policy of compliance with ethical and moral standards when using the Platform and Service. Users are prohibited from:

5.1. The use of nicknames and names that may be associated with vulgar, obscene with words. The user is obliged to use only his real Name and Surname in national and English languages;

5.2. Obscene language, offensive language addressed to the Administration and participants Platforms;

5.3. Advertise other Internet projects without positive approval from the Administration;

5.4. Use pictures of obscene or vulgar content as an avatar. The level of violation is determined by the Administration;

5.5. Post duplicate messages, content or text.

For violations, the Administration has the right to block or delete a user without warning, as well as block the use of functional content, including those created by other users.


  1. License to Use Custom Content.

6.1. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, you provide Administration the right to use (permission to use) materials that you add (post or broadcast) to the Administration Site;

6.2. The specified right and permission to use the materials are granted Administration at the time you add such materials to the Site for the entire period action of exclusive rights to Intellectual property or protection non-property rights to these materials for use on the territory of all

countries of the world.


  1. Restrictions. By agreeing to the terms of this Document, you understand and agree that:

7.1. The relations of the parties for the provision of the Service free of charge are not subject to application of consumer protection legislation;

7.2. The administration reserves the right to block your account (account), delete it, or restrict access to parts of the Service without giving any reason.


  1. All disputes that are not voluntarily settled can be referred to consideration in the Krasnodar court.


  1. By accepting the terms of this document, you agree to receive service and advertising information via push messages in WhatsApp, Telegram, iOS and Android applications.